Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Buddy System (thanks Heavy Weights!!)

When it comes to the movie "Heavy Weights" there is one thing in particular  that works well with running: BUDDY SYSTEM!!!

A buddy system has started since the beginning for this marathon training. If my cousin Jackie wasn't down for doing it I probably wouldn't be going to Disney in a little over three months.

Jackie was my running partner for the first six months of this journey but she recently took a huge step in her like (which I am so proud of) relocating her to Allentown. She has new running buddies there so I'm pumped for her!!

Luckily last night I was able to recruit a friend to be my running buddy last night. Sean and I have been best friends since 10th grade. He is exactly the same pace as me which is so nice and he really pushed me which is the best part about a buddy. It also gave us some time to catch up on family, friends and relationships as usual.
 I took him on one of my normal routes right around Upper Gwynedd. For having a bum knee he held up really well....not too sure how well he is feeling today.

My half marathon is in three weekends(Sunday, Oct. 16). I'm ready to get running in Atlantic City. If anyone is interested in joining there is also a 5K (aka 3.2 miles) a 10K (aka 6.4 miles), half marathon, and full marathon. I'd love for some more friends to join in on the funnn!

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